Bidding Web Directory - Myspace Friend Adder - Apr 24th 2024 01:08

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Bidding Web Directory

WebyDirectory is an easy way to bid on links. Our link directory displays links alphabetically, and lets you bid your way to the top of the list. With a starting bid of $1, you are guaranteed a spot in our directory!

Increase your bid to take a top position, and not only will your link list higher in the directory, but you could join our Top 10 Link Leaders on the homepage.

Why Submit Links?

Links get results. Link popularity is one of the most important factors in search engine performance.

Increasing the number of links to your Web site can get your site listed higher in search engine results, bring more visitors to your site, increase your Google PageRank and improve your site's overall strength.

For only $1 you can submit a link and get listed now. Your site will thank you!

Myspace Friend Adder

With MySpace Friendmarket you can make thousands  of new MySpacefriends now! This is the best and fastest way for promoting your band, shop or whatever you like to promote on

No hassle with registration forms, confirm email, etc, like other sites. Just enter your Myspace ID and begin to collect friends!

Friendmarket uses a point system. More users you add though friendmarket, more points you will get and therefore more friend requests you will receive.  There are 2 ways to become high pointing member: Be active member of MySpace Friendmarket. You will get 1 point for each friend request and 10 points per each referal. You can add as many friends as you like (up to 500 per day) 
Buy featured membership
Featured membership can be bought by PayPal for 1 day, 1 week and 1 month. Featured members are always on top of all other users independently from theirs points. Featured Members can also add friends by choosing target friends by Country, Male/Woman, Age, Interest's.

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Bidding Web Directory
Oct 22 2007 18:40

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This is a very cool site and the best it is for free...
 - selenin October 22nd, 2007