Products & Services

Enroll today!
Oct 18 2007 14:34

Getting Started...

1. ENROLL - You will need to enroll in MonaVie and pay a one time $39 fee for a distributor kit. This kit will include DVDs, booklets and other printed information about the product, the company, the pay plan and more. To enroll click here.

2. PLACE INITIAL ORDER - We recommend that you place your initial order of at least 1 case (4 bottles) of MonaVie to become active. In order to earn commission you must be Active. You become and remain Active by purchasing a minimum of 1 case every 4 weeks.

- We recommend that you enroll in Auto-Ship to ensure you remain active. 1 case every 4 weeks qualifies you for commisssion. 2 cases every 4 weeks qualify you for commission and bonuses. This is important because it guarantees you do not drop your Active status. Furthermore, Auto-Ship can be modified or even cancelled at anytime.

4. BECOME A STAR - You have to get Qualified to earn commissions. To become Qualified, you must have at least one personally enrolled and Active Distributor on both your left and right team or leg.

- You now become a Star Maker by helping the people you personally
enrolled become Stars

I am on an amazing journey and you can join me press on the photo or click on enroll add Distributor ID# 440776  or email me with any questions!