Products & Services

Get 10,000 Facebook Fans
Feb 14 2012 20:12

Dear Friend,

I’m writing to you because you obviously know that your product or service is something that a lot of people need…and you think that Facebook could really help you reach the right people…but I don’t want you to go through what I did. I wasted so much time trying to learn the best facebook marketing tricks and trying worthless techniques that really hurt my business, things you’re probably doing right now.

So, before I reveal something truly unbelievable , I want to you to answer a few questions. Have you ever asked yourself:

If Facebook will actually work for your product, business or market?
Will Facebook even help me find more paying customers?
How do fan pages fit into the whole equation of doing business on Facebook?
Will getting into this “Facebook” thing suck all my time away?
How do I actually convince people to link my page and become a fan?
How does having fans actually help me?

If you’re asking any of these questions…I know exactly where you’re at. Because I was there in June 2009. I had just graduated college and wanted to start my own business online selling baseball training products. I tried every tactics online I could find and nothing seemed to work. I thought Facebook would be another failed tactic, and at first, it was. I tried and tried to make it work…and got more and more frustrated because I saw other people online making a killing on facebook.

I dedicated all my time to trying to figure out why they were making money and I wasn’t. I bought every product I could find, every book, every video. And finally, it all came together. I realized I was doing 3 things completely wrong that most people out there are doing. I changed my approach and almost overnight my business turned around. 4 months later I had 10,293 new fans…6,437 new emails…and 586 new paying customers. I had finally achieved what I always dreamed.

I was only making a couple thousand extra dollars per month from just my fan page, but that made such a big different in my life. (I was newly engaged and had a lot of things to pay for as you can imagine)

So, I kept noticing other people doing the same things wrong that I was…so I wanted to try to help them. I couldn’t figure out how I was going to do it…but then it hit me. Why the heck don’t I just use facebook to reach everyone doing it wrong…and HELP THEM! That’s why you’re reading this letter…because most likely I used one of my secrets to find you…because I knew you have the same dream as me, and you’re just missing the secrets that I was.
You Have Done Everything Right But Still Failed. Why?

If you’re like me, you’ve tried countless of different systems, programs, or products…all promising you the world and never delivering the results. You’ve obviously put in the work…you’ve researched online…done your due diligence trying to find the best training so you can actually make some extra cash. You see…you’ve done everything right…but still failed. Why?

Because the systems you’re using are flawed. It can’t be your fault…because you’re doing everything right. You’re trusting the “experts” to deliver…so it can’t be your fault. That’s why I created this new product for you. Because it is based on real-world results that real people get every single day. I’m no guru…just a 24 year old kid who got lucky and stumbled over a few answers.

This Facebook thing is so fast moving that we can barely keep up. We spend day and night watching for new updates, trends, tricks, and tips and we barely stick with it. Facebook has changed their interface for users, businesses, and advertisers over 10 times in the past year alone. So imagine what’s coming. You can’t be expected to know exactly how to use all of their tools when new ones come out daily. That’s what we’re hear for, so you don’t need to worry about it. :)

If you want to know those 3 secrets I spoke about earlier that are most likely destroying your fan page right now…here they are…
The 3 Secrets That Most Fan Page Owners Don’t Know That’s Killing Their Chances at Attracting Fans and Creating Customers
SECRET #1 – No Default Landing Tab!

If your fan page is just a “wall” for people to comment on and that’s it…turn it off now. It’s pointless. It’s actually hurting your business and your image online. If you don’t have a custom page created and set that new page as the default for all new visitors, your fan page is pointless.

SECRET #2 – Incorrect Layout and Bad Images

This is an area that can kill your page. If your not using every square inch of your fan page to interact with fans and promote your products, why are you even in business at all?
SECRET #3 – Facebook SEO and Traffic Tecnhiques

No one gets this right, and it actually helps the 2% of people that understand it. If your not setting up your fan page so it ranks on the 1st page of Google, you’re crushing your chances and letting people like me steal all your traffic away.


Here’s What This Product Will Do For You:

Increase profits directly from your fan page by using the “Featured Likes” and “Page Thumbnails” (the “subtle” facebook sell) to promote your other products, affiliate deals, events, seminars, and more! (this technique literally works overnight and starts selling your other stuff for you)
A simple formula for adjusting your page settings to make sure EVERYONE sees your status updates and messages (make this mistake and your page gets seen by no one)
The technique I used for increasing email sign ups by 87% in just 4 hours by inserting my form right into my page. No more slow email list growth, ever! (Just think how much more cash you will bring in with all those new opt-ins every day)
How to choose the most effective name for your facebook fan page (and the secret that Facebook hides from you)
How to use Facebook Insights to dig into your fans background, interests, locations, genders, likes, dislikes, employers, and more so you can not only avoid spending hundreds on customer research, but also get inside their heads so you know exactly what offers will make them flock to your page begging to buy your stuff.
How to rank #1 in Google for your keywords so people can actually find your page when they’re looking for it (this takes about 3 minutes but can increase your page traffic by 37%)
How to appear like a real business by getting a custom facebook URL instead of the long, impossible to remember, domain name that facebook unfairly gives it’s fan pages (this works great on business cards, fliers, post cards, and email signatures)
The little secrets I use to “jump-start” my fan growth from day 1 that can leave my competition lagging behind, hopeless to ever catch up

Here is What Happened When We Stumbled Across These Little Known Strategies and Put Them To Work on Facebook

As you can see, I started one of my Fan Pages back in 2009 and spent months wasting time trying to get 1 or 2 fans at a time. I researched endlessly to no avail, until July 2010…when I finally put it all together and figured this thing out. I made a few quick adjustments to my page…and, well, you take a look. From 400 fans to over 10,000 fans in less than 2 months!

I Became A Celebrity In My Market (Baseball) Overnight and My Product Sales Took Off

10,000 fans can do a ton for your business and your brand. I instantly became a celebrity in my market and my products started selling faster than ever. I had 10,000 on Facebook alone who endorsed my products, my website, and my brand. My blog visitors were able to see this because I linked the 2 together (which I’ll show you how to do) and this only fed their desire to want my products even more.

Here Is What A Dominating Fanpage Will Give Your Business…

Thousands of Raving Fans Willing To Turn You Into A Celebrity and Respected Authority In Your Market
A Loyal Fan-Base That Makes Your Business Take Off!
A Thriving Community That Can’t Wait To Hear What You Have To Say Next so You Get The Satisfaction of Knowing You’re Reaching 1,000?s of People
You Will Finally Have That Edge on Your Competition so You Can Relax At Night Knowing That You’re Light-years Ahead of Them

Here is Why You NEED A Fan Page More Than Ever

Take a look at the chart below and you’ll start to see just how powerful Fan Pages are becoming. This shows how much more likely your Facebook fans are to refer your company to their friends, feel warmth and gratitude about your business, and feel happy or satisfied with your services. The overall feeling on Facebook is a positive one and there’s nothing more powerful than bringing your company into this arena and associate those feelings with your products and services.

I Know How Much Other Products About Facebook Marketing Have Been Going For Lately…But…

I want the “smaller guy” to finally get the leg up on those “mega-marketers.” I’m sick of small businesses online getting pushed around because the big guys just out-spend us right off the internet. No more. Now you’re can get the edge on them and laugh as they waste their money day in and day out as you quietly rake in visitors, fans, prospects, customers, and new business.

I’ve spent time reviewing every other Facebook product out there and have invested over $15,000 of my own money making sure that I’m covering all the bases for you. I want to see your Fan Page absolutely crush it! Seriously.

You’re Probably Thinking: “This Sounds Like It’s Way Out Of My Price Range”

Think Again.

So, I started thinking about how much I would price this full-proof, guaranteed results guide…and a few things came to mind.

I know for a fact that this Fan Page Secret Guide provides more step-by-step, valuable information than most of the $2,000+ Facebook Seminars out there. A lot of information gets thrown around at those things, but a lot of it is mostly ideas and not true, tested, information. I have made this work, again and again, and helped tons of people do the same. It flat out works.

If $2,000 just seems crazy to ask for any kind of marketing strategy, consider what a Facebook Fan is worth…

Facebook Fans are reported as spending $71.84 more per year with their endorsed brand than non-fans are. That’s huge. Even if you pull in 1/10 of that amount, a $2,000 system would pay for itself in 1 year if you only added 1 fan per day! Let me assure you that you will be adding more than 1 fan per day.

Facebook Fans are showing an average Total Yearly Value of $136.38 per year, when you consider the fact that 68% of Fans publicly endorse and/or recommended their favorite companies on Facebook, resulting in other people joining and buying your products or services. You have to remember that a Fan Page is so easily shared with friends, and your fans are sharing your page

with their friends even when they don’t mean to! I’ll get into that later. ;) recently did their own study when they calculated that the average Fan is worth $3.60 Annually to most businesses. This is on the safe side compared to most other reports, but even if this report is true, a $2,000 System that guaranteed an explosion in fan growth, would pay for itself in a year if you only added 1.5 fans per day. Again, I guarantee you will add more than that. :)

And remember, those fans are yours forever the profit from. And once your page starts growing, it only grows faster from there beca

use of the viral nature of Facebook.

More Money-Making Content Than You’ll Find at Most Facebook/Social Media Seminars…

If you cart yourself off to one of the fancy guru seminars…you’ll likely pay about $2K-$5K plus travel and expenses…

And then what?

You’ll get a patchwork of ideas…walk away with NO true system to follow…and be sold to every time you turn around.

That’s not me. You’re only going to be getting the best Facebook Marketing content around. I guarantee the training in this course will not be outmatched.

Here’s Exactly What You Will Get and How it Will Explode Your Fan Page And Your Business

Getting ALL Of That Content for Less Than $497 Would Be a Steal

So you might think we’d charge something like $497

Considering you’re getting all of this content…that is guaranteeing your fan page will GROW FASTER THAN EVER and finally make your business money instead of suck away all it’s time …we could sleep pretty selling this for $497

In fact, just one module from this training… increased my daily opt-ins by 500%.

But as I mentioned earlier we’re not about to make you a “normal offer’

I’m About to Make an Offer That is Flat Out Crazy

I decided to drop the price so low…that to be honest. It scares me…

I’m actually going to hand this powerful training over for less than $297

Even less than $197!

Why are we going so low?

Well it really comes down to one thing…

I want you to have the edge on facebook before all the “big guys” get in there and take over. I want to even the playing field.

I’ve seen so many small businesses on Facebook with TERRIBLE fan pages! And honestly, it kills me because I want to help them so badly. So, dropping the price so everyone can get in really helps me reach that goal of mine: to make a huge impact.

You can see evidence of that goal on our website and fanpage now. We’re trying to give away as much free content as we can while still staying profitable, of course.

If I can get you on your way and we can build a relationship, maybe one day you’ll figure out something I don’t know and you can return the favor. :) Please click HERE for more information