
YTB Network Travel
Aug 3 2007 01:03
Dear Friend, How would you like to be able to travel around the world, have plenty of free time and have plenty of money to spend as you do it? That's precisely what is happening to the lives of thousands of people across the nation with YTB (Your Travel Biz). With YTB, you can earn a significant income simply by referring people to this website to book their travel and learn about the opportunity. In fact, YTB will guarantee you earn at least $6,000 in your first 12 months if you follow their simple marketing system. The YTB companies offer two unique and powerful business opportunities, that of referring travel agent or "RTA" and that of independent marketing representative or "REP". The travel agent opportunity has an initial fee under $500 and a monthly license fee of $49.95. There is no fee or travel agency purchase required to be a REP. You may choose to participate in one or both opportunities.

Aug 3 2007 00:53
I need it, YOU need it, EVERY professional has to have it!   The greatest invention to hit the net since the  "chip"     Officially pre-launches August 6th. Register for FREE now.  Reserve all YOUR Mega Bonus offers (all free). Enjoy 'One on One' personal training in any aspect of anything! Experts in every field waiting to help you personally. (Free 24/7) HUGE income potential. Start earning NOW  yes  IMMEDIATELY !  THIS IS YOUR PERSONAL INVITATION TO JOIN THE GREATEST team of professionals, giving their time to make sure that you successfully succeed. INFORMATION OVERLOAD, don't worry this is specially friendly for Newbies & Oldies alike. You cannot and will not be left behind in anything. Progress at your own pace. BUT REGISTER   * NOW * TODAY *  for free and reserve your "Founders" place. Live Sales 'Support' Executive.         Nemiah Bynum http://www.parismarso,    

Aug 3 2007 00:47
What is the product? I think it best to first talk about the final destination which is Club Freedom.  Club Freedom markets deeply discounted vacations to over 1500 luxury resorts worldwide.  This is the product.  People can join directly for $200US ($150 + $50 Membership fee).  People simply go online and determine where they want to stay and what accommodations they bedroom up to 3 bedroom and the date they want it.  They pay the discounted price (40 – 60% off).  If they choose, they can earn $6,000 plus a $1,000 vacation voucher to over 1500 luxury resorts worldwide by completing a matrix that ultimately will consist of 40 people. Now, these people will come from your group who follow you into this matrix AND others company wide. How does the company generate an income? Club Freedom – 40 x 200 = $8,000 minus $6,000 minus $1,000 = $1,000 gross profit if everyone cycled through.  Obviously, a good portion of their customers join just for the discounted vacations. Revolving Travel – This was created to make it more affordable to the masses and particularly to those people who would never dream of taking a luxury vacation.  So they came up with a plan where people could complete a 2x2 matrix and have their way paid into Club Freedom at a cost of $65.  Here is the breakdown to Revolving Travel.  $65 x 6 = $390 minus $200 to pay the entry fee into Club Freedom = $180 gross profit to Revolving Travel. 6k4you – Then it was taken one step further.  What if we could benefactor people into Revolving Travel?  This would offer people the following: 1)  No $65 enrollment fee.  They could access everything Revolving Travel has to offer for free. 2)  They would have people in their organization BEFORE they paid anything. 3)  Only a one-time payment to upgrade 2 people.  No monthly fees!  Once and done. 4)  Once people pay for their 2 new people, they cannot drop out...why would they want to even if they could.  This takes care of the problem of people dropping out as fast as you can bring them in. Is there anything more to it? That’s basically it.  People join for free.  They have their enrollment fees paid for them.  They get access to all the marketing tools and software offered by Revolving Travel.  They can begin marketing right away if they choose to do so.  Or, they can wait until people show up in their downline for upgrade.  Then they decide if this is what they want to do.  If they decide for some reason not to upgrade their people, we simply replace them with someone who will…and this new person has an immediate downline upon enrollment.  Replacements cost nothing since the person being replaced has already been paid for.  Pretty neat, huh?   Finally, here are some stats.  Club Freedom was founded by a group of Australian businessmen on September 1, 2006. There are over 150,000 members to date worldwide.  They have paid out over 10 million dollars in commissions thus far.  Over 1,000 people a day are joining. Revolving Travel was started a month or two after Club Freedom was founded ( I don't have the exact date...oops).  The founders probably figured that many people would rather pay $65 and do a little work (fill their 2x2 matrix) than pay $200 to join Club Freedom. 6k4you was started in January 14, 2007.  It isn't old, but it is established.  Timing couldn't be better. You will ultimately have all three of these websites and access to your own back office for each.   6k4you - 

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