Member's Profile

Nurafidah Hanum Ramli
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Someone who has made achievements with something to offer whether they are new ideas, experiences, products or services. View Profile

Business Industry

  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Business
  • Affiliate Marketing

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Products & Services

Drive 1 million Visitors to your site every month
Oct 22 2008 04:39

When you sign up for free to use our system, you'll be given a page just like this one, with your own text advert on it in the top position.

Now, when other people want to sign up for our marketing system and place their own advert on the site, they will first have to click on your advert (plus the other 5) and view your website for at least 15 seconds to get a special code that they need in order to be able to sign up with us.

They then add their advert in the top position, and yours will be moved down to the #2 spot.

And this is where the viral nature takes over, and your traffic and visitors will literally explode.

Every time someone else wants to use our amazing system, they first have to click on each of the 6 text adverts, and visit your site. And then your advert gets moved down to the next position, all the way to position 6. Every time your advert gets pushed down to the next position, you will have thousands of extra people all promoting your advert, without you having to do a thing.

Click Here for Free Traffic!