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stem enhance
Nov 13 2012 08:32
Did You Know That Your Body Has Supper - Powered 
"Master Cells" That Can Duplicate And Regenerate 
An Wide Range Of Injured Tissues? These 
Undifferentiated Cells Are Called Adult Stem 
Cells. What are stem cells and why do you need 
them? - Adult stem cells are pluripotency cells in 
your body, which means they can self-renew and 
differentiate into specialised cells of various 
tissues. Amazingly, they can become cells of any 
body part that needs healing. - Adult stem cells 
flow through the bloodstream looking for acute 
injuries or chronic degeneration. When tye arrive 
at that tissue, they multiply and then transform 
into healthy cells of that tissue. We are looking 
for MLM Leaders marketing health supplements like 
Noni, Mangosteen juice and other cellular 
nutrition products. A Stem Cell Nutrition Company 
from USA, StemTech with a patent until 2025 
opening in India soon.