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DirectMatches' Quick Guide to Income Building
May 25 2008 14:24

How to Build Your DirectMatches Business
Networking to Build Wealth

Treat your DirectMatches business like it is the first job you ever had – and you may never need another. These low-cost yet effective marketing strategies can help you build an income.

Roll Up Your Sleeves & Get Serious!

Step 1: Invite Your Circle of Contacts –Don’t Sell – Show & Invite!
Step 2: Turn Spam into Free Leads –Check out this Method to Create Leads
Step 3: Receive More Emails –Network Your Business Like A Pro.
Step 4: Manage Incoming Calls – Save Time and Make a Quick Connection
Step 5: Do What You Do Best
Step 6: Pass Out Business Cards Everywhere You Go
Step 7: Attend Networking Events in Your Area
Step 8 Refer Guests and Attend DM Business Mixers
Step 9: Bring Guests to DM Income Opportunity Calls
Step 10: Follow Up With Your Downline –Encourage Them To See.
Step 11: Advice on Free Sign-Up Companies
Step 12: Become a Product of the Product –Be Active on the Site!
Step 13: The Power of the Phone –The Three-Way Call
Step 1: Invite Your Circle of Contacts
Don’t Sell – Show & Invite!
This is show and tell; simple, fun and effective. There is virtually no rejection in this invite method. This will accelerate receipt of your first check.
Familiarize yourself with the site features, My Mail, Events tab, etc. Take time to search the profiles and add contacts. Get familiar with all the DirectMatches (DM) features. Check out the simple but powerful pay plan. Contact your upline if you have questions.
Make a list of everyone you know and call them. Make sure they are not busy. Give them your URL and take them on a tour of the site. Have them log in, show them how to find your profile. Step through the features of your DirectMatches site. Demonstrate how to search the comprehensive profiles and emphasize the pictures of people joining all over the world. Show them the Classifieds and Events tab. Let this site and networking tour do the talking. After the tour, close them - ask them to join for free.

If They See What You See – Not Only is that an Upgrade – You’ve got a Partner!


If you can’t reach them by phone, don’t let them get away! Send a note to those you cannot reach. Don’t rule out anyone. You’re not selling but inviting them to check out DirectMatches’ services and hold a free position in your genealogy. You never know who will like this new approach to the mlm business.


Thankes Mitch Jones