Products & Services

Unipole Hoarding Advertising
Sep 18 2020 01:41

Types of Unipole Ads

There are two options when it comes to lighting: this can either be a front lighting or back lighting.

Unipole Hoarding Advertising

Unipole comes under biggest size outdoor advertising format, known as Unipole Hoardings, are located mostly on the main highways, expressways. This billboards pay for maximum visibility due not only to their size but because they allocate creative “customizing” through extensions.

unipole and billboard advertising

Eventually, as more people began to travel by Own Vehicles, Unipole Billboards were erected to advertise roadside attractions, cities, Textile, car Showroom services, restaurants and a number of other things that might entice weary car travelers to pull off the highway for a brief respite. Today, Unipole advertisements can be seen in cities and along roadways all over the India.