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List your web-sites Fast on the 3 Major Search Engines within 48 Hrs to 1 week.
Jul 29 2007 01:09


For those who just gone and register their Domain Name and sign up with a Hosting Company to host their sites, and upload their web-pages and voila... you are ready to take on the world....

Now the next important thing to do is to get lots and lots of potential customers to come and visit your web-site.

And you wondered if the optimisation tips you implemented onto your web-sites are effective, and you tried searching your sites under those selected keywords.......STRANGE..... you are no where to be found....not even the last few pages of the listing in Google, Yahoo & MSN.

When you search for your new domain name : you realised that you are not listed in these search engines at all. How then can you be expecting to be listed on the TOP 10 listings for the search of any particular Keywords.

Therefore, the first step, you need to get your site INDEXED by these Search Engines. Normal Submission to Search Engines will takes 8~12 weeks, and no guarantee that you will be indexed, depending on your web-sites designs and on the search engines themselves.

We offer the Service to get your sites indexed by Google, Yahoo and MSN Search Engines in a short period of times. Some cases takes 24 to 48 hrs to be listed, others takes up to 1 week. So we'll do a initial assessment of your site, and will let you know "roughly" how long it would takes for your sites to be listed. 

Simple. We'll need you to match with our efforts to get your to be indexed in the shortest possible time.

We offer you a Money-Guaranteed Deal which you will not be disappointed.

So far, none of those works we have been engaged to do failed to be listed.

Don't delay. Contact us today.


Martin Lee

Internet Marketing Services Provider






Martin Lee
Singapore, Singapore
Someone with goals and a strong desire to follow through. They are always continuously working towards their goals. View Profile


Business Industry

  • Business
  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Marketing
