Products & Services

The World's Most Powerful Antioxidant
Dec 11 2008 06:51

Online Dishonesty is Rampant!


 Lack of honesty and integrity is rampant in Online Business and Internet Marketing. There are too many so-called ‘experts’ selling junk or giving bad advice for self-serving reasons, it’s amazing. These ‘experts’ are like a cancerous plague who would sell their own mothers to make a buck.  Personally, I am sick of hearing “trust me on this one”, “I’m being honest here”, “honestly this is the one” or “I’m being honest with you here.”  In my opinion, there should be an accountability law in place to protect us from these predators.

Kenrick Cleveland *, well known and sought after sales trainer and motivational speaker, has this to say about honesty.  “Those that are honest don’t need to say they are – they just are.”  And when you say it, it begs the question, “so what you’re saying is honest about this issue, but is this an unusual thing for you to do, to be honest? Are the times you’ve brought this up in the past, or will in the future, not necessarily honest?”  Something to think about don’t you think?

Before you ever consider getting involved in any online, or offline business for that matter, there are two key elements that should be at the forefront of your list.  If a business, product or service is not quantitatively and verifiable, stay away.  PERIOD!

Marketability of a product is one of the key features of a product that I always consider before getting involved.

If the program involves selling a product, will people buy it?  How do you know what people are buying?  Well, it's quite simple. If the business has been running for a while then people are still buying the product. If you buy something and feel good about it then the chances are damn high that there will be a lot more people that will feel just as good as you did about buying it.

Staying healthy in an unhealthy world is at the forefront of many individuals these days.  The world around us is a dirty place.  Every day we encounter chemicals and other substance in the air, water and soil as well as in the food we eat.  The World Health Organization estimates that poor environmental quality may be responsible for one-fourth of all preventable illness. Wow!

Manufacturers of nutritional products recognize the need to support our bodies in its quest to maintain good health.  Unfortunately, and this is the most disturbing part, the majority of these products fail to address the body’s criteria to maintain a healthy balance at the cellular level where it counts the most.

The body needs three main elements to survive….oxygen, fuel (sugar, glucose) and glutathione. 

 Glu..ta..what? you ask.

"Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and best kept secret to maintaining health." - Theodore Hersh, M.D., Harvard graduate, Professor of Medicine, Emeritus, Emory University.

Glutathione is a small molecule made up of three amino acids, which exists in almost every cell of the body. However, Glutathione must be generated within the cell from its precursors before it can work effectively in the body.

For more about Glutathione and its essential role in maintaining top health, simply Google “Glutathione” or “GSH” and you will find thousands of articles on the topic written by some of the top physicians and scientist in the world, including Dr. Robert Keller, the mastermind behind MaxGXL.

Putting It Al Together.

My point is preparing this article must be obvious to you at this point.  I would like to introduce you to a product (and a business venue) that will revolutionize the health industry and the direct selling industry for many years.

Max International is energizing the direct sales and health industry with its revolutionary produce and enticing business opportunity. We all have the desire to be part of something greater than we can achieve as individuals. With powerhouses like Steven K Scott, Bill Guthy, Greg Renker, Fred Ninow and YOU, and with testimonials from Larry King, Tom Jones and Dr. Robert Nelson, Max International  and MaxGXL. is an unstoppable force.


Fred Ninow said, “The science behind MaxGXL sold me.  It has blood test results, and Dr. Keller has true clinical studies to back it up.”


Shawn King, wife of Larry King said: “…It’s at the top of my “trip checklist”, I can go without a lot of things in life, but MaxGXL isn’t one of them.




There you have it… my thoughts and my opinion for what it’s worth.  Personally, MaxGXL has met the criteria outlined at the beginning of this article and has, without question, surpassed ANYTHING that I have ever used as a nutritional supplement. Go to and spend some time with us.