Products & Services

Portable Countertop Dishwasher
Jun 17 2011 00:41
The Portable Countertop Dishwasher (model: PDW45EW) made by Koldfront is a very convenient home appliance. It consumes less water than when dishes are manually washed. It occupies less space and requires less power too as compared with other dishwashers in the market. It can fit under any normal cabinet. It comes with a faucet adapter that makes hookup easy. A five feet long hose is also included.

The Koldfront PDW45EW countertop portable dishwasher's internals are of stainless steel. A robust spray arm, an enclosed silverware basket, a rinse liquid dispenser to minimize water spots on dishes and an inside water heater that can heat water up to 158F are the attractive practical use features. It can allow placing inside plates sizes up to 10.5" in diameter!