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D-Day, 6th June 1944 - The Greatest Seaborne Invasion The World Has Ever Known
Nov 24 2007 03:46

In the footsteps of

The Allied 21st Army Group

D-Day, 6 June 1944

The Greatest Seaborne Invasion the World Has Ever Known

This book covers the invasion of Northwest Europe by the Allies on D-Day 6 June 1944. It covers: -

·         The Build-up.

·        The Strategy of the German and Allied Forces.

·        An overview of the opposing forces, including the Chain of Command structures and the forces in the invasion area on D-Day.

·        Security and Deception.

·        The Allied build-up prior to the invasion.

·         The Invasion.

·        The Marquis.

·        The American Airborne.

·        UTAH Beach.

·        Pointe-du-Hoc.

·        OMAHA Beach.

·        GOLD Beach.

·        JUNO Beach.

·        SWORD Beach.

·        The British Airborne.

·         The Battle for Normandy.

Military History Series


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