Products & Services

Intelligence Inc GodSpeed Compile
Aug 28 2007 20:40


Pile-Compiled ..
or Legaleze ...
for the pile on your desk ...
This might be called Depositions or Records
(pocket-size CD-ROM)(specify language) 
Your depositions and records (the pile'
made immediately accessible
via a pocket size cd-rom
Use us in a courtroom where time is of the essence,
and the judge won't wait for you to "look it up"
Use us for Real Estate Records and Bankruptcy Records
Use us anytime you have to have immediate access
to the records in a pile of paper
Call us for a quote: retainer and/or 
'what you are comfortable
with' concept
Contact info: Nearly Gold
209 Alloway Drive
Briarcliff, Texas 78669-2225
Work in up to 7 languages 
Thanks for Looking,