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The Torment's of the Modest,Secluded Farm Life:
Put into screenplay format for producers;
" Broken Souls"
Doris Anne Beaulieu
<img src="http://www.authorhouse.com/BookStore/Covers/3652.jpg">
SMITHFIELD, MAINE-MAINE author Doris Anne Beaulieu says her book, titled " The Torment's of the Modest, Secluded Farm Life," ISBN: 1-58721-806-2 will bring you heartwarming laughter and tears to your eyes. Hopefully, you will gain a better and closer understanding of old country folks." It is "filled with down-home stories and humor for a true picture of how life in the country with only your eight siblings for playmates."
She describes the work as " an old time book from a girl in the back woods of Maine, who had a Guardian Angel to protect her and teach her about the REAL WORLD."
She explains, "The book is the true story of a young girl living a very modest, secluded country life in the 1950's, in the state of Maine. She starts by explaining how country folks live life year after year...Then she takes you though the hard young working years. And then how she was tormented mentally in all directions as she enters the real world. She just couldn't believe or understand the world and its language being raised as she was in the county going to a Catholic school."
She notes, "As more parents are choosing to home tutor their children for good reasons, I found myself compelled to write my true story to help parents understand the long lasting effects of a modest, sheltered upbringing before making the final decision...I only wish for parents to see how a child may be affected and how these issues also need to be addressed."
The book has also been put into screenplay format for producers.
Easy & Inexpensive Holiday Classroom Crafts For Teachers:
ISBN: 0-75960-681-1
Doris Anne Beaulieu
<img src="http://www.authorhouse.com/BookStore/Covers/4080.jpg">
Life of an old Woodsman:
Doris Anne Beaulieu
<img src="http://www.authorhouse.com/BookStore/Covers/4306.jpg"> 
The Adventurous Travels of a Young Girl from Maine to Georgia:
ISBN: 1-58820-253-4
Sharon Marie Beaulieu
<img src="http://www.authorhouse.com/BookStore/Covers/4697.jpg"> 

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 - venuemedia October 13th, 2010