About our Business

Daily Revenue Sharing: Up to 50% of revenue is shared by all qualified affiliates that post a company approved daily ad. The amount of revenue shares depends on your wholesale bid purchases that are used as incentives for retail customers.

Car Payment Program: We will make payments for any make or model (NEW or USED) that is no older than 3 years (up to $1,200 per month). Simply become a "Mentor" in the Subscription Pools and achieve 60,000 points in your Daily Revenue Share Pool for 4 weeks and maintain it.

Subscription Revenue Pools: To encourage team sales volume, we put up to 50% of the company's net subscription sales into a number of pools to be divided up by all qualified Bid Ambassadors. Your team's subscription volume will determine the pools you will earn revenue from. Each qualified affiliate will receive points that are calculated on all paid subscriptions in one's team.


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Sep 24 2012 15:36

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Sep 24 2012 15:36

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