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Instant Adsense Profits
Dec 15 2011 21:29

You've probably heard of the many ways people make money online such as ebay and all and you've probably wished there was an easier and less complicated way.


Truth of the matter is, making money online isn't as difficult as rocket science, but you'll obviously need to know the right way to do so...and one of the simpler ways is adsense.


So what is this adsense all about, really? 

It's a godsend of a system from Google where you earn via pay per click marketing. What you do is copy a code from Google adsense, slap it on your blog or website, and for every click on the ad itself, you get paid!

For a single click you won't be getting a dollar of course, maybe just a few cents or less. However, visualize your site bringing in over 1,000 visitors a month. Multiply the number of sites you own by say, maybe 10. Now how much are you earning per month?