My Power Mall - Apr 25th 2024 11:08

About our Business

MPM has, quite literally, no downside risk.  You see, most businesses require significant capital before you can even hang up a sign.  We give away our $500,000 system for FREE.  Amazing! 

There is literally no selling, no limit on earnings.  A lawyer can only bill for so many hours in the day and a doctor can only perform a handful of surgeries a day.  Some great people working in traditional businesses haven’t had a raise in 10 years.  But, in our case, we can create a raise for our family every day if we choose.  Since we can give a FREE Power Mall to an unlimited number of people who each can do the same, we are ultimately paid on the efforts & shopping of hundreds of thousands of individuals.  With MPM, this reality is even MORE TRUE!  Truly, the only limit on your MPM business is what you put there yourself.

It doesn’t matter what your sex, race, marital status, income level, or educational level is.  It doesn’t matter if you are home-bound in a wheelchair.  It doesn’t matter if you’ve never succeeded at anything before.  What you do with your business is completely up to you.  How much money you make is completely up to you!

Time freedom is directly commensurate with wealth and prosperity.  In our opinion, nothing in life equals the joy of spending quality time doing the things we most enjoy with the people we most love.  In traditional professions, small businesses, sales or corporate management, everyone is struggling through 80 hour work weeks to have, maybe, a Sunday afternoon with their family.  Nothing is more precious than free time, and those of us who have achieved it are excited about a company that offers this precious commodity to others.

There need not be any stress at all in your MPM business.  Do you know that the number one trend in America is stress-induced coronary?  It’s no longer just a risk for men; it’s also an increasing risk for women.  With MPM, if you aren’t having fun, you aren’t doing it right.  You’re making new friends; you’re building great relationships; you’re building financial security for the rest of your life!  Have fun!!

We get to invest in the MPM Plan.  What do we mean?  Well, most people out there have decided to invest in the Forty Year Plan.  That’s the best folks can hope for in traditional business.  By age 25, most people have an idea of what kind of work they want to do; how they want to make money in their lives.  They work hard at whatever it is they decide to do.  But 40 years later, out of a typical 100 people; 5 are still working, 36 are dead, 54 are dead broke (or at least earning far less than when they were employed), 4 are well off, and 1 person is wealthy.  Thus, the 40 year plan means that for 4 decades most of us go back and forth from home to work, back and forth, back and forth, like a caged lion… and yet at the end of that time only 5 out of 100 have something to show for it! 

In stark contrast is the MPM Plan.  Work diligently to build your MPM Shopping Rebate System.  It could take a few months or a few years.  It all depends on you.   Build an income based on the power of Online Shopping and you’re set for life.  You will have a lifetime residual income – one that will also pass down through generations!  Once the money is generated, it is yours – no qualifying; no games!

It is said that “Recognition is our most sought after reward in life.  Babies cry for it and grown men die for it.”  Everyone loves recognition.  It’s true for us.  We bet it’s true for you, too.  The rewards of helping people change their lives with MPM go far beyond money made.  There is nothing quite like people thanking you for introducing them to a business that has given them the freedom they dreamed of for so long!

You are truly in the right place at the right time.  MPM is the Rolls Royce of home-based businesses.  Be proud of what you do!  Be proud of the opportunity you have to offer other people!  Be proud of who you are, and who you are going to become!! 
We believe in you!!
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Member's Profile

Cheryl Harris
Grandview, United States
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile

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