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Bitter Melon control Diabetes Regulates Blood Sugar and Metabolism
Dec 31 2011 03:13
Bitter gourd or more commonly bitter melon is a traditional ayurvedic herb that is found in every Indian kitchen.
Advantages of Taking Karela
    * Karela is considered to be a good appetizer.
    * Bitter gourd is also a good blood cleanser or filter which is very helpful in evading any sort of infection in the body.
    * Bitter melon, is considered as an agent that helps in relieving from constipation.
    * It is also very helpful in piles and hemorrhoids.
    * Karela is considered as a precious herb for de-worming and cleansing of gastro intestinal tract.
    * Bitter gourd is very much effective in treating various types of skin related problems like acne or black heads psoriasis etc.
    * This herb has anti-bacterial properties thereby is also very effective in treatment of wounds and injuries.
    * It eases the chronic cough as Karela also acts as an expectorant by that facilitates in clearing of the lungs. Patients with asthmatic problems are so here said to find respite in drinking teas made from Karela leaves.
    * Karela is gain very beneficial in females it provides comfort during menstrual disorders and problems.