Various entities find reason to conduct surveys from time to time. There are various methods that can be employed in the conduct of these surveys namely mail, web and IVR surveys. IVR surveys are also known as automated voice response surveys. The term IVR is an acronym which stands for Interactive Voice Response. A typical example of the system is the one that handles your call when you call a company. You will get some menus that request you to take a pick among several available options by keying in the choice. This makes such a system ideally suited to conduct IVR web surveys.

Why IVR Web Surveys?

It is important for companies to be able to determine how customers, partners and employees view your brand, products and services. Conducting a survey is the best way to this. It is important in such circumstances to be able to find the best way of administering the survey. An email link directing the customer to a website or a voice requesting you to rate your experience of the just ended conversation are typical examples of web and IVR surveys in action.

The common uses of IVR web Survey include:

  •          Product knowledge certification
  •          Product knowledge testing
  •          Customer satisfaction surveys
  •          Customer service evaluations
  •          Collect employee opinions and feedback
  •          Patient satisfaction surveys
  •          Post call surveys

Web Survey

The web survey is programmed into a script which is interactive and web based. Closed and open ended questions are supported in this technology. Participants to the survey are invited by way mail and the invitation package includes a link to the survey portal and login credentials. The participant thus has the leisure of completing the survey at their own convenience. This type of survey is more suitable in instances where the targeted respondents access their mail on a regular basis.

IVR Surveys

IVR surveys are able to record the whole survey in an audio file. This option also supports closed and open ended questions. It is dynamic as to be able to support various different product types and brands. The system is able to walk the respondent through the survey one question at a time. The specifics of any given situation will dictate whether the script is supposed to be read as is or other parts are supposed to be skipped.

IVR web Surveys give you the ability to manage complex survey needs in a very easy manner. The reputation of your organization is also enhanced as you are able to respond to the concerns of the client in no time.

You can find reliable IVR WEB survey services including Recall IVR from a number of reliable companies that are available online. 

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