Posted by Carlos Silva
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Hello everyone. 

It was suggested to me that I write an article here on this site we all admire: Apsense. 

So, what came to my mind was the end of the 2016 Year today December 31.

2016 is behind, with good things, those who almost forgot and the latest, the bad ones, constantly remembered by the deaths and pain caused by war, attenuated by the Holiday Season. Unfortunately, the Truce should not be long because there are many doubts in the air about Syria, China, Russia, USA... resolutions!?

But I'm here to ask you to forget the hatred, grudges, envy and especially the power that corrupts us. 
The greatest battle that we have is with ourselves.
If we want a Better World, we must start with our families, our friends. business partners ... but how? With Respect, understanding, tolerance, creating ties of friendship.

Being friendship a kind of love without hidden interests, you can build the Better World around us where there is a place for everyone, even different, but United as human beings equal in their dignity.

You will tell me that it is an utopia!? I know, looking around us, it's the first word that comes to our heads ... but we can't ever forget MARTIN LUTHER KING "I Have A Dream", MAHATMA GANDHI "You must be the change you wish to see in the world", POPE FRANCIS "A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just"! And so many others who have dreamed, acted and helped, or help, transforming the old world in a New World.

Forget radical doctrines and embrace the only doctrine that keep us truly alive, Love's doctrine, Love's culture.

An Hug and accept my wishes for a 2017 HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I hope you understand my humble suggestion for 2017 Year and my poor English spoken.
