Yeshua our Messiah has been an avant-gardist and a revolutionary in many ways at the time He walked the earth. Many people do not even realize how much Yeshua's conduct towards females was radically new in the 1st Century. In order to enlighten this point with you all, I will share with you the statements of rabbi Eliezer who lived in the 1st Century :

« Rather should the words of the Torah be burned than enthrusted to a woman. Whoever teaches his daughter the Torah is like one who teaches her obscenity. »

However, not every rabbi thought that way.

Also when I hear contemporary men and sometimes even disciples of Yeshua formulate some derogatory statements about women, I always remember how respectfully our rabbi treated females, and it consoles my heart.

Do not jump to the conclusion that all women lacked freedom in ancient biblical times. There are many stories of females in the Bible and even prostitutes, who played major roles in the history of Israel. It is just that, during the 1st Century, the Jewish society had turned into a very patriarchal society, led and directed by men.

The truth is, that the heart of our Creator doesn't change, but men have often tried to take advantage of their authority as a husband or a father.

The 10 Commandments clearly state in Exodus 20:12:

"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live for a long time in the land the Lord is giving you."

This verse implies equal treatment for both mother and father.

Presentation of a few strong female characters from the Old Testament

The prophetess Deborah lived three thousand years ago, at the time of the Judges. Deborah was chosen by Hashem during times Israel was experiencing oppression from its enemies, as a consequence of their own wrongdoings.

Deborah was married to a man named Lapidoth. Both wife and husband lived in the mountains of Ephraim.

Through Deborah's counsels, Barak is led to victory against Sisera.Deborah's prophecy against Sisera's army is well known and recorded in the Book of Judges, chapter 4:

"Go! This is the day the Lord has given Sisera into your hands. Has not the Lord gone ahead with you? So Barak went down Mount Thabor, with ten thousand men following him." Judges 4:14

In the end,,Sisera will die from the hands of another strong woman, Yael (whose name means in Hebrew The Eternal is God).

Among many others, Queen Esther impacted the destiny of Jewish people in a very positive way. Because she was chosen to reign in place of banished Queen Vashti, she could warn her uncle Mordecai about Haman's evil plans against Jewish people.

But even long before, Moses' eldest sister, Miriam, is also mentioned as a prophetess.

Her victory song has been recorded in the Book of Exodus:

"Sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; 

Horse and rider He has thrown into the sea." (Exodus 15:20-21).

On a side note, Miriam has also been punished for criticizing her brother about his kushite wife and been hit with leper. Moses had to intercede for her healing.

Female followers of Yeshua in the New Testament

At the time of Yeshua's birth, one prophetess, Anna, daughter of Phanuel, is mentioned in the Gospel of Luke:

"And there was a prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years and had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage and then as a widow of the age of eighty-four. She never left the temple, serving night and day with fasting and prayers." Luke 2:36

Anna and Simeon both announced to the world that Yeshua was the Messiah.

Of course, Yeshua's mom, Miriam, has been chosen by Hashem for her exceptional virtues. Her role was one of the most beautiful, yet one of the most painful ones too. While she should not be mistaken as an intercessor (Yeshua is the only intercessor between the Eternal and men) or as a female goddess, I think that she deserves our admiration for her abnegation in willingly giving Yeshua to mankind.

Who are the ladies who chose to follow Yeshua ( just to name a few of them)?

Yeshua didn't make a difference between males and females. He allowed each individual who was willing to receive His teachings to follow Him.

Very uncommon fact for the society in which he was living in, Yeshua addressed to females publicly. He probably shocked His disciples a lot on the very day He spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well.

Yeshua is dignifying ladies, even the adultary woman and the prostitutes. He is taking their shame away and bringing them healing and Salvation.

Yeshua allowed a sinful lady to anoint Him (Luke 7:36-50) and honored her publicly, so her good deed would be known to the world through the Centuries.

Yeshua was befriended with Miriam and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus. He encouraged Miriam when she sat at His feet and was listening to His teachings.

Miriam of Magdala used to be possessed by seven demons. She became one of Yeshua's most faithful followers. Yeshua made her the first witness of His resurrection.

There are many more female followers mentioned throughout history. However, it is sometimes difficult to know if they belong to tradition or if they are real characters, so I will avoid mentioning them.

These few words have been written to show our Creator's heart in plain sight. 

Every human being, man, female or child have a specific role to play when God choses them and blesses them. He loves us all equally, regardless of age, gender and social condition.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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