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Narrating my personal Web History.. it shouldn't be out of place to mention something.. which almost one & Every Online Workers faces... while starting up to earn online... The right selection of Products, Services.. Companies & Websites, including the Much Hidden Secret Technical Methods of Earning Online.. I mean Quick, Steady & Passive Earnings Online has been almost a Mystery for all of the Online Marketers who never shares every thing with any others to follow without his personal or Company's Long Run & passive Benefits..

It was a Rainy day..17th July 2009, I was out at Meadows.. with no Umbrellas.. taking shelter below a big Banyan Tree.. I was looking at the Sky..

at one moment I thought Can God Rain Money from the Sky? No Never my Heart Says.. Then Again I thought Can God Rain Coins from the Sky ? it was again No, my Heart says.. Czzz Coins are Heaver than the Rain Drops & Coins are made my Humans at Earth not by God At Heavens...

Then what should I do to Earn my lively hood.. Walking in Meadows.. & Hills & Singing Solidarity in Wilderness.. ? Is that My Way of Life ? Did God Made me for that ? No Never was the Reply what my Heart again said..If man can make anything out of the available Resources what God Has Gifted to this Earth.. Then Why shouldn't I be able to do something out of these Resources for my financial independence and  a  passive income stream with dignity.

I didn't have enough Resources & Money Except what I can Write & Read & Speak.. I just thought of doing something Extra.. Writing something new in a New Way.. rather than the usual Contemporary & Traditional ways of writing..... I was searching the Web for almost 72 Hours continuously... in search for something that Could Build me to Stand at my Feets where I stand Today..!!!!

First I just tried to Learned how to write well & Better English online, but yet I am not Perfect.. I started to Write my E-books ,I was at it's Graduate School & on 9th Day finally my results were on with my 1st ever sales on the web for just @12.00 which inspired me to write more interesting crazy things with supportive photos & data' s , until my sales was at an steady around $36.00 daily.. although it was something great for me.. i tried to give special devotional works on this golden tracks which finally made me around $100 daily online... since February 2011..

Trust & Beliefs are two different things.. Trying something new is always welcome.. but not at the cost of your life, home, family, money  or property, if Old is Gold, then all glitters are not gold , but all Golds Are Golds & All Golds Glitters..

If you don't trust me.. then just Visit this Website Click Here! to see & Believe yourself.. If you are not satisfied with what I said You get back instant what you pay out of your Wallets...


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