Discover Why The Experts Use The Wordpress Blogging Platform!

Wordpress Is Not Going Away, So Unless You Fight The Online Battle, It Will Be You Who Loses!


Hello Readers,

Unless you have never used the internet before, then it is unlikely that you haven't heard of a Blog before. Blogs have become so much part of the internet because they are easy for anyone to create and update even if they have no experience with graphics, HTML or in fact anything else which makes the internet part of an unknown goldmine.


The real purpose of Blogs is so that people can keep a record of what they are doing and their friends and family can read about them. It may sound pretty lame to you, but they were incredibly popular when they first started and now they are even more so.


In fact, they were so popular that Google bought one of The Biggest Blogging Platforms called Blogger as they were able to predict that this was the way that the internet was turning.


With the entrance of Google into the Online Blogging arena, blogging exploded and many thousands of blogs were started every single day.


While Blogger was becoming more and more popular, another Blogging platform called Wordpress was also exploding. The difference between them was that with Wordpress you had total freedom to do whatever you wanted with it. What slowly happened was that lots of 'geeks' started to use it and develop it further until it turned into an extremely powerful piece of software.


I'm not going to beat around the bush hear and tell you lots of technical  information about why Blogs are so great as it can easily be broken down

into very simple terms.


In Winning The Online War The Wordpress Way, You Will Discover:


How you can literally click one button and have a great-looking fully-functional website in less than 10 seconds!


How there are actually two versions of Wordpress and how each can outpower the other in certain situations!


How choosing the wrong host will kill your blog even before you have created it!


The importance of the order which you post information to your blog and how the obvious will often not be the correct choice!


The easiest way to give Google (and the other search engines) exactly what they want


Why blogs can be an integral part of your link network even if you didn't know that you had one!


Hildogo Jones

Marketing Expert




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