A man’s diet can impact all aspects of his health, and sensual health is no exception. In the areas of promoting ample blood flow to facilitate strong tumescence, maintaining a healthy sensual drive and taking care of manhood skin, diet is highly relevant. Knowing what foods to eat for maximum male organ health is, then, something worth pursuing.

Men should note that, though many websites and videos claim that certain foods or supplements can make the male organ bigger, this is not so. So, while men should keep their expectations realistic, they should know that there are many potential benefits of getting those same nutrients in the area of health, if not size.

Incorporate the following foods into one’s regimen for healthy sensual function:

1) Bananas: This phallic fruit packs in potassium, a nutrient that promotes heart health and therefore good circulation. An influx of blood to the male organ is what creates tumescence, so keeping the blood flowing supports performance function. Bananas are easy to work into one’s day – have one as a quick snack, slice one up into yogurt or cereal, blend one into a smoothie, etc.

2) Watermelon: This juicy fruit contains citrulline, which can boost functioning of smooth muscle. Smooth muscle in the male organ plays a primary role in tumescence.

3) Salmon: Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the body in a number of ways, including nerve function. Maintaining sensitive and responsive manhood nerves throughout life is important for sensual function and enjoyment. Omega-3s also promote good circulation.

4) Avocado: This fruit is full of folate, which promotes healthy male seed. It also contains good fats, which help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and, therefore, good circulation.

5) Dark Chocolate: The flavonoids in this rich treat are great for circulation. It also contains plenty of antioxidants, which work to repair cell damage and protect cells from further damage.

6) Oysters: These sensual sea creatures facilitate the release of dopamine, one of the body’s feel-good chemicals. They also contain lots of zinc, which is important for maintaining male hormone levels. These hormones are crucial for a healthy sensual drive and performance ability.

7) Chili Peppers: Chilies are loaded with vitamin C, which both promotes healthy circulation and boosts collagen production in the body. Collagen helps keep skin tissue firm and youthful – something no man wouldn’t want for his male organ.

8) Eggs: Eggs are a good source of B vitamins, which are important for healthy male hormone levels.

Proper diet is imperative not only to the health of the male organ, but that of the heart, liver, pancreas and other vital organs. Eating well plays a primary role in the prevention of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and other health conditions that can both shorten life span and significantly reduce the quality thereof.

Along with eating well, men should not underestimate the importance of getting plenty of exercise. Cardiovascular exercise, while most obviously benefitting the heart and lungs, also benefits the male organ, which relies on an ample supply of oxygen and blood for performance ability.

A healthy diet isn’t the only way for men to acquire male organ-friendly nutrients. Men can apply them directly to the manhood skin with a quality male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A crème with vitamin E will help moisturize the skin, which may be prone to chafing and dryness from the various frictions of daily life. Vitamin C can rejuvenate the skin, since it promotes collagen production. Also look for acetyl L-carnitine; this ingredient may protect manhood nerves, keeping them responsive. This is important, since years of rough handling can lead to reduced sensitivity. In conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, a male organ health crème can ensure prolonged manhood function and attractiveness.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites. 

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