If you have ever heard of Dragon software, you will know that it's a speech recognition software that allows you to type by dictating the words.  You can get Dragon Naturally Speaking anywhere online for under $100, some as low as $50.  Shop around for the best deals.  Or use a free version at:  http://talktyper.com/

Not many people have used this software to make money and so I thought I would share this unique money making opportunity.

Everyone knows there's a lot of money to be made in blogging and article writing but it's so pain staking to type so much.  This is where Dragon Natural Speak software comes in.  It allows you to speak what you want to type.  You type your blog/article up by speaking using the Dragon Naturally Speaking software.  Now you can write your article at the speed of light.  Ok so let's kick it up another notch.  Thinking of what to write is also another obstacle, even if you're a guru.  So....the best thing to do is use someone else's article and add a spin of your own.  I think some of you might get where I am going with this and if you have not caught on yet follow the steps below:

1.  Go to sites like Ezine or Squidoo and pick the most trafficked article or blog.  Pick many categories and topics (under 10 is good).  Using Dragon software, read the article and Dragon will type onto a notepad.  Don't worry about reading correctly or accurately because you're going to go back and revise it anyway.  You have to write the article in your own words so that you're not copying anyone else's work.  You can also add your own thoughts and notes as you're reading the article to make it your own.  Just say whatever is on your mind.  To make it even more unique, use an article spinner to spin your content as the final step.
2.  Proofread your work and submit your finished article to Ezine or other blogging sites that pay for content.  Here's a list of some blog sites:  http://www.apsense.com/article/more-resources-to-promote-your-blog.html
Here are other sites like ezine:
(1) http://goarticles.com
(2) http://searchwarp.com
(3) http://isnare.com
(4) http://articledashboard.com

Here are top 10 sites that pay UPFRONT for your articles/content:
1.  Yahoo Voices:  http://contributor.yahoo.com/signup/
2.  About.com
3.  Break Studios:  http://breakstudios.break.com/index/howitworks
4.  Wise Geek:  https://www.wisegeek.com/freelance-writing-jobs.htm
5.  Ecopywriters:  http://www.ecopywriters.com/center/
6.  Love to Know:  http://www.lovetoknow.com/write-for-us.htm
7.  Demand Studios:  http://www.demandstudios.com/freelance-work/writers.html
8.  Quality Gal:  http://www.qualitygal.com/?page_id=2424
9.  Seed by AOL:  aol.com
10.  Words of Worth:  http://www.wordsofworth.org/faqs

Sites that pay to blog:
1.  sponsoredreviews.com
2.  linkworth.com
3.  reviewme.com
4.  shvoong.com
5.  451press.com
6.  blogitive.com
7.  blogsvertise.com
8.  blogs.botw.org
9.  digitaljournal.com
10.  inblogads.com
11.  loudlaunch.com
12.  wisebread.com
13.  www.helium.com

14.  publisher.simply.com

3.  Repeat for more blogs/articles to make money online.  After much practice you can easily spit out 30 blogs/articles in an hour (not including revisions of course).  ^_^

If you can earn $5 per article, at 30 articles per day…you do the math to calculate the income possibility.

You can use these useful blogging tools:

DotClear - http://www.dotclear.net
MovableType - http://www.movabletype.org
Wordpress - http://www.wordpress.org

To maximize your earning potential for your article/blog page, add publisher ads to your page.  Publisher ads are advertising space you rent to advertisers for them place their ads on your article or page.  First you sign up their company and copy and paste their ad code to your website.  The typical payout is how much you would earn for each click to their ad.  The clicks must be authentic clicks and not enhanced or bought from traffic surf or traffic exchange sites.  The most common publisher ads sites are:

1.  Google Adsense

2. 7search.com

3.  intellilinks.com

4.  exitjunction.com

5.  Adwooz.com

6.  skimlinks.com

7.  technoratimedia.com

8.  vibrantmedia.com

9.  freedirectmedia.com

10.  advertising.com

11.  Nixxie.com

12.  Miva.com

13.  Valueclickmedia.com

14.  Adengage.com

15.  Pulsepoint.com

If you are using publisher ads on your blogs then you might just only want to make your blog popular so you can have traffic to click on your ads.  You can submit your blog sites to:

Blogwise : http://www.blogwise.com/
Daypop : http://www.daypop.com/
Feedster : http://www.feedster.com/
Technorati : http://www.technorati.com/
Waypath : http://www.waypath.com/
Blogarama : http://www.blogarama.com/
Syndic8 : http://www.syndic8.com/

You can use this same technique to write ebooks with Dragon software or talktyper.com.  Apply the same concept for ebooks.  Gather the most popular ones...like ebooks on sex, dating, dieting or whatever is the most popular.  Send those ebooks to sites that sell sex like torrent sites. 

Here's a list of sites where you can sell your ebook:

You get the drift.  Slap a price tag on it or not and use it as leverage (give as a gift) to squeeze the reader (subscriber's) information such as name, email address and cell number, if possible.  (The mobile industry is a new exploding market so capitalize on that whenever you can).  Don't make the cell number mandatory because you might lose the subscriber.  You want the subscriber to, at minimal, provide an email address so you can build a list.  Pretty soon you have a very good size list to use to market other e-books, blogs or articles.

The possibilities are endless!

Brought to you by Fortune Cat =^_^=

Happy Money Making!

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