Pages @bitbillions - Read. Write. Share. Connect.

To Earn Money Online…

“We Pay You CASH MONEY To Read Articles On Our Website!”the easiest way to earn money onlineGet Paid Reading ArticlesNo selling

No recruiting

No filling out forms

No skills needed

No experience necessary

Anyone can do this with little or no effort at all.

(This isn’t just another bait and switch sales pitch, this is 100% Free…)You are probably wondering...

Why on earth would someone pay me cash money to read articles online?

Are they after my opinions? Are they trying to sell me stuff? Is this just some trick to get me to fill out surveys and questionaires?

And, what kind of money are we talking about? Is this just some rewards program where I get discounts for buying stuff I may not even want or need?


This is the real deal.

We have tons of new writers trying to make a name for themselves. They need people to discover their work and hear what they have to say.

Many people write about many things, but if they aren't lucky enough to be connected with a major website or blog, nobody ever reads their articles.

This is where we come in…

We reward readers with real cash money for taking the time to read the articles written by our writers. All we ask is one simple thing...

If you find an article you like, you SHARE it or TWEET it or PIN it. OK?

You can help others get their writing out there for other people see when you share their work on social media. And, we will reward you well for doing it.

We make this so super simple that ANYONE can EASILY make MONEY here

Pages @bitbillions - Read. Write. Share. Connect.

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