There are around 150 million domain names in the World Wide Web, but how many of them do you think are prominent to get into the first page of search quiries? The answer is obviously very few, and to be in the very few your website needs to be properly optimized for the search engine. Even though search engine is not the only way to get web traffic to your website, they are one of the keys to make your site popular. 

You would be surprised to know that there are more than 85% online purchases coming from the organic search traffic every day. So, it is very important for you to minimize mistakes in favor of Search Engine Optimization. Do make sure you follow our Search Engine Optimization Checklist and then do not make these top 5 Search Engine Optimization mistakes that people often do for their sites.

1. Misspellings

Google and most other top search engines’ algorithm is not set to find misspellings. You may have worked hard for your contents, but if there are lots of misspelling in them, the odds are search engine will not able to find them. Always check your content before publishing. 

Reducing misspellings will not only get search engine spiders to you listed, but your viewers will enjoy reading content if it has proofread well.

2.Website with Flash, Shockwave, and PDFs

Do not make a website with Flash and shockwave. Even though they give amazing look to your website and make your site interactive, the search engine spiders don’t pick up these files. They simple can’t read them. If you still have a website in Adobe Flash or shockwave, you should move a HTML 5 or PHP based website right away. The easiest and most effective is to use a CMS system like WordPress, which has tons of built-in features to optimize your website for search engine and social media share.

There are many sites that offer PDFs, which is a great way to give information to your viewers, but spiders will not be able to read them too. If you give pdf, write a short description in text mentioning what it has.

3. Image Only Websites

Don’t design a website with only images. Search Engine spiders do not able to read images. On the other hand, if you have many images in your website, don’t forget to use the “alt tag” for each of your image. As alt tag is read by the spider, you should use your focus keyword in it.

4. Drop Down Menus

If you have many sections and categories, drop down menu might be the answer for you, nevertheless, search engine spiders do not see them too, so the best way to list them down is to put them at your website’s footer.

5. Avoid Frames

Frames are not much of an issue as it used to be for websites, but if you can avoid frames in your webpage, do that immediately for the search engine spiders to find content easily.

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