Mobile cell phones are coming every day with new version and providing numerous facilities to the people. Nowadays I phones are very popular among the people and due to that I phone’s companies are also in competition we can see today different types of I phones are coming in market and they are coming with different type new features.

Apple has reportedly patented equipment technology for its iphone which would allow users to make hardware and software adjustments based on what the company calls 'life events'. 

Apple is providing facility to make compatible their hardware with the any type of softwares and it is developing this technology all the time and trying to give new version every time.

Apple's patent is providing different technology and, reads familiar to Motorola's patent for Moto X devices, allowing user to control their gadget through gestures and pre-fed in rank. The new Apple technology would allow users to alter their iphone' 'mode of operation' depending on their place, environment, an event in their calendar or breaking news thing, Discovery News reports. 

Now the mobile phones such as I phones are going to provide you such a features which will give you such a facility by that you can adjust the features of your cell phone according to your surroundings. This facility will called the mode operation and mode operation will allow you to do this thing means with the help of mode operation you will be able to adjust your mobile phone features according to environment.

The patent category the life event is mandatory and with the help of this the I-phone will be able to perform the certain operations in both the modes such as changing the ringer volume and managing software  and the powering up the devices. These are the operations which I phone can perform.

According to the certain report the mandatory would be place limits based on certain preset setting such a parental restriction on mobile usage, while  if you see permissible mode is comparatively less restrictive and provide optional changes to be chosen from.

These new technologies are coming in market but you need to be careful about these technologies because reaping costs will be very high for these technologies. You should be careful and try to learn some repairing tricks to your home only. If you have ideas about mobile phone repairing you can save your time and money too and it would be good for you. If you are familiar with your cell phone so you can go through the internet and can get information regarding its repairing.

You can do small repairing at your home only because it is not to difficult, and if you are feeling that something large damage is caused due to some problems so you can go to the repairing centers for that because companies are providing facilities for repairing also even you can call them sometime they resolve your problem on cell phone only. repair all types of problems to notebook computers including liquid damage, broken screens, lock-ups, virus removal, charge ports and general maintenance  iphone parts  technicians provide onsite mobile phone parts For more information visit now

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