"FRIENDS    ...      THE GAME is on !"
READ - READ-READ and take action !!!


RIPPLN: Its a phone app called ripplin that will go viral - the mobile application is a texting/gaming/social media app;

It's FREE - which is why it will go viral; so people can share it and just say "hey this is a cool app, check it out"

- the difference is the app will be accessed via a link that creates a line of sponsorship (geneology) from person to person;

Once they have the app, it will prove to be MUCH MORE than a texting/gaming/social media app... it will become (ideally) their "go to app" on their
phone :

- go to for purchases of movie tix, airline tickets, hotel rooms, retail purchases, any other products etc...

- in other words - the app grows virally because people will want to use it for texting, then as they learn to use it for e-commerce, money will be spent (as folks are already doing it, just now, it will be done (ideally) thru this app.

Anyone who is upline AND is in the pay plan (cost: one time 95$ and then 25$ monthly to be a PLAYER), will profit from all that ecommerce; the end user who doesn't care about making money with it, will always keep the app for free and will be enticed to use it for ecommerce, that is where the money is going to be made.

The app will initially be available in 30 countries. Fans and players already exist in over 150 countries already.

If this thing grows virally - as it does already - hundreds of millions will use it and billions or more in business will be done through it - those in the pay plan and above the users will profit from that activity.

Now as for enrollment:

JOIN NOW - request your access code by messaging us your name, mobile phone number (including your country code) and your email address or click THE GAME and join directly

You are NOT providing any funds today - and again - you are NOT committed to paying for anything unless and until you choose to be in the pay plan.

Do upload a picture AND a copy of your drivers license or passport (for id verification and to insure this system is not abused). And complete your details and photo inside your back-office.

Explore all valuable informations in your back-office to be updated and get comfortable using the system( takes max. 1 hour)

Once done, you can enroll others using green Invitation Boxes inside your back-office.
Click once on the first invite, enter their name, email and / or country code based mobile phone if you know that.

When done hit SUBMIT.

The box will change to red and contains a personal Invitation Access Code (letters and numbers) that your invited person needs to enroll at: http://startmyripple.com with.

The code is valid 24hours, then it returns to green and can be reused for a new invite. Also in this timeframe you can reset it to green if you see your invited person does not react positiv or at all to your fantastic offer.

Once they accept you will see them in your back-office.

If you used your first 10 invites successfully, other green access code invitation boxes will be given to you automatically to grow your business.

There are no "replicated pages" yet. (Yes, its THAT early)

Promote person to person (private messages, sms etc.) ... this will give you best results and almost by minute.

!!!!  You are still among the FIRST globally to hear of it.

Marius (i'm here to help if needed)

+ naturally the following procedure for your folks -

Tell them to take the code you generated for them to access the system and:

1. go to: http://startmyripple.com     
2. They should enter the code after viewing the 2 minutes video on that page
3. then they should sign with your their mouse as if they would sign with a pencil on paper in the field marked with a big red X and hit submit    
4. then they fill in the next form giving to them their password to remember
5. Then they must login at: http://startmyripple.com with their email and password and go right upper corner to complete their details like:
* photo, mobile tel. number which will be connected and earns money - no worry... no smses will reach their phone unwanted ever

When completing (your) their profile and before you SAVE in the back-office, please also check the box with the following text:

"Keep me in the loop with Rippln updates"

Why does this matter and why take action now?

Well, if you were one of the first 1/2 million who knew about Facebook OR Amazon and IF there was a way to profit by spreading the word about either -
would YOU not be screaming from the highest mountain about each or either?

Well Friends, the reality is YOU and I did ANYWAY - even though there was little in it personally for us.

You see,
its human nature to want to spread news when we know it will benefit our fellow man (and we know for both Facebook and Amazon - it did!)

So, what about Rippln?

WELL... I see even GREATER potential than EITHER Facebook or Amazon. Can I besure it will pan & pay out?


BUT - is it worth being an early adopter?

"Sure, why not?!"

That's MY perspective. There is LITTLE to lose, and ALOT to gain by being on the train EARLY and by SHARING ONE SIMPLE THING:

Thanks to Mr. Russell Brunson, we now can send people also here:

Tell them to scroll to "step 1" (they can pause the "hangout" video; watch the 2 minute video and then to enter their info to get an invite.

The info they enter goes to YOU - and then all YOU need do is send them an invite!

AND...the best news is, YOU can have a page just like this one -
for free - just go to step 2 - click the link just under it, then scroll down and follow the steps to know:

- How to invite
- How to get your own page like mine that ends in /1070 ( <- it will your id number there for the Tsunami Project)


So, if this sounds EVEN easier than before - do it now (or as soon as you can) and then contact a few folks!

I am nearing a few hundreds - and thats in about 50 days.

Hey ! - are you gonna let an overweight, 52 year old guy who lives in the middle of little Munich :) do better than you??

Where is your competitive spirit ?!

Need help? ... Feedback? .... 3way calls?

Hit me up!

Marius :)

Email: blitztime@inbox.com

* If you are already in and to get others started - (read now, time is of the essence)
Let them know to indicate Your name as your enroller (watch spelling correctly)

Wie lange noch? Gehen Sie gesichert in die Zukunft?


Hear this info completely: you will see and hear why

- its about inside sales and good for your Rippln Big Picture:

Click here:

https://www.brighttalk.com/community/demand-generation/webcast/43/82619 (y)

Also see Lifestream's prices without any money earnings for the users: http://new.livestream.com/plans -

Enough said.

Conclusion: => RippLN will destroy the actual market offerrings:

* earnings from your network growing virally for peanuts: a one time 95$ fee and 25$ monthly to maintain the Lifetime Player Status !
... and backed by Apple too ;)


Good luck my friends,

See You inside,


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